Thinking out loud


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: The Great Divide: A guide to finding love by seeing past our differences

January 30, 2025

We live in an increasingly polarized world where it’s getting more and more difficult to see past our differences when seeking lov...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Are You the Codependent?

December 31, 2024

Relationships flourish when there is mutual trust, respect, and emotional support. It’s crucial to show love, care, and concern fo...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Red Flags: Passive Aggression

December 01, 2024

As a Jewish matchmaker, I’m up close and personal to some of the most destructive and self-sabotaging behaviors that affect human ...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Red Flags: Lack of Empathy

October 31, 2024

As a Jewish matchmaker, I’m often asked for relationship advice. One of the most frequent questions I’m asked is how to spot red f...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Romantic Love or Physical Attraction?

September 30, 2024

Do you ever wonder if your relationship is building on love that has the potential to last, or if what you (or your partner) are f...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: RELATIONSHIPS: My Interview with ChatGPT

September 01, 2024

“AI” is the new buzzword and ChatGPT is one of today’s most popular chatbots. Using publicly available info, licensed data, and da...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: The Romanticization of Dysfunction

July 31, 2024

Media plays a major role in shaping our perceptions and attitudes about relationships. Through movies, television shows, music, an...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Are You Close-Minded in Dating?

June 30, 2024

Dating is an adventure, a journey filled with excitement, vulnerability, and the possibility of finding love. However, for some, t...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: The Art of Providing Containment: A Guide for Men

June 01, 2024

This month, I want to talk about “containment”, a concept that you may or may not have heard of in regard to relationships. Contai...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: The Neurochemistry of Jealousy and Oxytocin

April 29, 2024

Jealousy is a complex emotional cocktail of insecurity, possessiveness, and fear of loss. From literature to psychology, jealousy ...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: How Relationships Help Us Grow

March 31, 2024

In life's journey, relationships serve as essential catalysts for personal growth and self awareness. Navigating a relationship wi...


Jewish Matchmaker Journel: Are Men Only Focused on Sex?

February 29, 2024

There is a widely held stereotype that men are single-minded in thought and only focused on sex. This stereotype reinforces the id...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Compassion and Codependency

January 30, 2024

In the intricate dance of human relationships, the line between healthy and dysfunctional behaviors can often blur. Showing compas...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: The Power of Quality Photos

January 02, 2024

As a professional Jewish matchmaker, I continue to be amazed and dismayed at the low quality photos that I receive from clients. I...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Dating Before Attraction

November 28, 2023

Attraction usually takes center stage as the primary factor that determines who we choose to pursue romantically. We're told to fo...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Our Collective Trauma and How We Heal

October 29, 2023

Jews are no strangers to trauma; we have a long history of it. We live every day with the knowledge that there were, and still are...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Intuition vs. Fear in Dating

October 02, 2023

Dating can be a thrilling, yet bewildering journey. We’re high on sensations, emotions, and hormones as well as being drawn into a...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Discussing Difficult Topics

August 30, 2023

Love, passion, and excitement often cloud our judgment when we embark on a new romantic journey. In the throes of early infatuatio...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: How to Find a Compatible Partner

July 31, 2023

Finding a compatible partner to build a life with shouldn’t be so hard. Technology has brought nearly the entire world within our ...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: The Effect of Filtered Dating Photos

July 01, 2023

As a Jewish matchmaker who repeatedly emphasizes the importance of using quality and flattering photographs in the dating profile,...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Giving Up Your Power

May 30, 2023

In recent discussions with clients, the concept of “giving up power” has come up a number of times so I thought I’d address it to ...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Rekindle the Romance

April 30, 2023

Sometimes the struggle isn’t about finding romance, it’s about keeping the romance. “Real life” presents all sorts of challenges t...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Dating Someone With Children

April 02, 2023

Many Jewish singles without children prefer the same in a partner. Not a problem if you’re still in your 20’s, but once you move i...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Situationship to Relationship

February 26, 2023

Navigating through the various forms of romantic relationships can be complex and challenging. One example is the “situationship” ...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Should Sex be a Make-or-Break?

January 30, 2023

As a Jewish matchmaker, I’ve been mulling this question over in my mind for at least a couple of years now. I’ve even posted about...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Love is Outside the Box

December 29, 2022

I’m prompted to write this month’s blog following some happy news that I received recently. Very happy news, in fact. I’m a Jewish...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: The Good, The Bad, and Viagra

November 30, 2022

As a professional Jewish matchmaker, the topic of sex is always on the table. Sex is one of many aspects of a healthy relationship...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: How Type is Holding You Back

November 02, 2022

As a professional Jewish matchmaker working to bring Jewish hearts together, I navigate through many biases and preconceptions. On...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: The New Year and Setting your Intention

September 29, 2022

A “New Year” is more than a set date for the purpose of counting time. It ushers in the energy of renewal, rebirth, and a chance t...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: The Alternative to Ghosting

August 27, 2022

“How do I let someone know I’m not interested? He’s a nice guy and I don’t want to hurt his feelings.” As a Jewish matchmaker, ...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Mostly For Men

July 31, 2022

The idea for this post started as a mental rant based on my experience as a Jewish matchmaker witnessing what I consider to be an ...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Good News About Long Distance Love

June 27, 2022

There has always been a healthy skepticism about long distance relationships and the odds of maintaining a successful one. As a Je...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: How I Became a Matchmaker

May 31, 2022

I am often asked how I got my start as a Jewish matchmaker. It’s not a career path with a standard education or defined curriculum...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Preference VS Requirement

April 30, 2022

Their Proper Time and Function I began my career as a Jewish matchmaker almost two decades ago. Much in dating has changed over...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Level-up Your Love

March 31, 2022

Most love today is the disposable kind - largely based on physical attraction and “chemistry”. Everything’s great until the other ...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: No "Bad" Dates

February 28, 2022

As a Jewish matchmaker, my life revolves around singles and dating. No joke. I’m truly a workaholic and rarely give myself time of...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Why You Lie to Yourself About Dating

January 30, 2022

Let’s talk about dating - or more accurately, why you are lying to yourself about wanting to date. As a professional Jewish mat...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Stop Swiping; Start Dating

December 30, 2021

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression” is no more aptly stated than when describing today’s dating environment...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Why You Might Not Find a Partner

November 30, 2021

I don’t want this post to be a downer, but I think it’s becoming clear that not all of us will partner up in this lifetime. The tr...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Your Crystal Ball

October 27, 2021

I miss the days when a blind date was a blind date, and a matchmaker could call and say, “I have a great guy for you; meet him”. T...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Unpacking Your Baggage

September 30, 2021

Everyone has baggage. This, I firmly believe. Well, let me clarify that - every adult has baggage. From what I’ve witnessed and ex...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Just Say YES!!!

August 31, 2021

As a Jewish matchmaker, my number one goal is to connect Jewish singles and help create Jewish families. No matter if the family i...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Shalom Bayit with the In-laws

July 31, 2021

A Jewish matchmaker shares tips on creating familial peace Given how challenging it can be to get along with one’s own family, ...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Unpacking Childhood Trauma

June 30, 2021

A Jewish Matchmaker discusses childhood trauma and adult relationships Let me begin this article by stating that I’m not a lice...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: You Need Professional Profile Photos

May 31, 2021

A Jewish matchmaker rants about the alarming frequency of bad profile photos and why you need professional profile photos… Le...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Working For You – the ins and outs of secular Jewish matchmaking

April 30, 2021

A Jewish Matchmaker explains her process for finding your soulmate Are you curious about secular Jewish matchmaking? Have you...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Being Mindful in Relationships

March 31, 2021

A Jewish matchmaker discusses cultivating your mindfulness IQ The word “mindfulness” gets tossed around a lot these days. I’v...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Lets Talk Relocating for Love

February 28, 2021

A Jewish Matchmaker suggests relocating for love with intent Relocating for love is one of the first discussions I have with ...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Destined to be Alone?

January 30, 2021

A Jewish Matchmaker asks,“Have you given up on love?”. As a Jewish matchmaker with over a decade of experience, I want to cal...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Differing Perspectives and Acceptance

December 31, 2020

A Jewish Matchmaker discusses differing perspectives and the relativity of truth Wow. What a year it’s been. No matter where ...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Is Your Partner Commitment Phobic?

December 01, 2020

A Jewish matchmaker discusses fear of commitment As a matchmaker working with Jewish singles, I’ve learned that although a si...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Breaking up with Your Fantasy Self

October 29, 2020

A Jewish matchmaker discusses your fantasy self vs your authentic self The concept of your “fantasy self” has recently come i...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: An (after 50) Love Story

September 25, 2020

A Jewish matchmaker shares an inspiring love story of finding true love after age 50… Sometimes I come across a video or an a...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Mussar in Romantic Relationships: Part 2

August 30, 2020

A Jewish matchmaker continues her discussion of Mussar in romantic relationships… If you haven’t read the first part of this ...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Mussar in Romantic Relationships

July 29, 2020

A Jewish matchmaker talks the benefits of Mussar in romantic relationships I am currently reading Everyday Holiness – a book ...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: How to Sabotage a Relationship

June 25, 2020

It’s hard to admit, but we can be our own worst enemy when it comes to romance. Instead of nurturing relationships, our actions ...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Agree to Disagree

May 26, 2020

The old joke says if you have two Jews in one room, you’ll get three opinions. That’s funny unless the two Jews are coupled up, ...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Your Dance with the Narcissist

April 28, 2020

A Jewish Matchmaker explains how you and the narcissist are playing each other The Fairy Tale You and the narcissist – wha...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: Love (and self-isolation) in the Time of Corona

March 22, 2020

A Jewish matchmaker encourages self-growth during self-isolation The corona pandemic and self-isolation response is a complet...


Jewish Matchmaker Journal: How self-objectification limits you

March 01, 2020

A Jewish matchmaker discusses the dangers of self-objectification We’re all familiar with the objectification of women. Being...


Ask These Questions Before you Fall in Love

January 30, 2020

A Jewish matchmaker discusses what to know before you fall in love Implied in this post is that we have control over who we fall ...


Love Is Your Superpower

December 31, 2019

A Jewish matchmaker explains how to save the world As we bid farewell to 2019 and welcome 2020, we are ringing in a new year, and...


Do You Attract Toxic People?

December 01, 2019

A Jewish Matchmaker’s advice on repelling toxic people and why they are drawn to you. As a Jewish matchmaker, I cater to Jewish s...


Self-love and Toxic Relationships

October 31, 2019

When you love and respect yourself, it becomes obvious when someone else is not loving or respecting you. – Meredith Miller One o...


The NPD Go-to Guide

October 01, 2019

I was blindsided by my narcissist. Until that relationship, I had zero knowledge about NPD or any other personality disorder. I k...


Becoming Your Authentic Self

September 01, 2019

Something that I strive for in my life is showing up as my authentic self, my whole self. This is not as easy as it sounds. You m...


Loving Your Unlovable Self

July 30, 2019

Self-love is a topic that I often write about. It’s a concept that is relatively new to my awareness (within the past five years)...


Your Head or Your Heart?

June 28, 2019

Have you ever felt torn when trying to make a romantic decision, as though there is a battle going on between your head and your ...


Childhood Patterning

May 27, 2019

“Relational (childhood) patterning from early childhood stays with us for a lifetime. If our parents told us they loved us (or pr...


Toxic Masculinity

April 28, 2019

The fourth installment of my series on masculine and feminine energy discusses toxic masculinity, which is a popular buzz term fl...


Feminine and Masculine energy: Part 3 – Masculine Energy Explained

March 30, 2019

In continuing with my posts on feminine and masculine energy, this blog focuses on masculine energy and what it looks like. If yo...


Feminine and Masculine Energy Part 2: Shift into your feminine energy

February 28, 2019

This month’s post explores ways that women can move into and stay in their feminine energy. Next month’s post will focus on men a...


Feminine and Masculine Energy: Part 1

January 29, 2019

For the next several months, I’m going to focus on feminine and masculine energy and how they affect our romantic relationships. ...


Self-love Language

December 31, 2018

For my last blog post of 2018, I’m inspired to combine two of my favorite topics: the Five Love Languages and self-love. Although...


An Existential Dialog on Self-Love

November 30, 2018

“The feeling that you want to feel already exists inside yourself.” I no longer remember where I read that statement, but I reme...


The Female Form

October 31, 2018

(An article about the female form might not seem to be related to relationships but make no doubt about it, the way a woman feels...


The Four Agreements, in Romance

September 29, 2018

‘The Four Agreements’, written by Don Miguel Ruiz as “a practical guide to personal freedom” can enrich all of your relationships...


The Myth of the Bad Boy- Revisited

August 29, 2018

Gents, can we be frank? Can I be honest with you and share a woman’s perspective on this belief that women want a ‘bad boy’?  Yes...


Your Core Values

July 31, 2018

Most of us can quickly list the values that we seek in others: honesty, faithfulness, loyalty, and compassion. But do you know yo...


Love Language Basics

June 30, 2018

Love language basics is all about learning what love looks like to your partner so that you can better express your love in a way...


Unrealistic Romanticism

May 31, 2018

‘Romanticism’ – the word sounds kind of, well, romantic, right? According to Wikipedia, Romanticism was an “artistic, literary, m...


Subtle Red Flags

April 29, 2018

‘Red flag” is a term one hears a lot when discussing relationships – particularly in the early stages when we are on the lookout ...


Making Space for a Partner

March 29, 2018

Have you made space for a partner to come into your life? This is a question I’ve been asking myself lately. I am so content and ...


Get Vulnerable

February 28, 2018

One of the personal qualities that I seek to improve in order to be a better partner is my ability to get vulnerable. To be my au...


Are You Co-dependent?

January 29, 2018

I’ve been doing a lot of research about co-dependency and how to get the answer to the question, are you co-dependent? I’ve alway...


Relationship Resolutions

December 31, 2017

It’s that time again – the old year rolling’ out and the new year rollin’ in, and for many it’s a time to reflect on what didn’t ...


Red Flag Dating Behaviors

December 01, 2017

Red flag dating behavior is not a new topic for me, but it is one that I believe needs to be re-addressed on a regular basis just...


Violating Personal Boundaries

October 29, 2017

I often write about ‘boundaries’ and how vital they are to healthy relationships. In my opinion, it is important that our persona...


Top 10 First Date Tips

September 29, 2017

No matter how you look at it, the concept of ‘dating’ is a bit strange – particularly at the beginning. You meet up with a virtua...


The Instant Attraction Illusion

August 27, 2017

A frustrating aspect of my work as a Jewish matchmaker is witnessing intelligent, successful and experienced Jewish singles walk ...


The First Move

July 31, 2017

A Jewish matchmaker’s thoughts on equality in dating There seems to be a lot of confusion and controversy around how proactive a ...


Lost in Love

June 21, 2017

As a Jewish matchmaker I have conversations about love with singles from all walks of life and a common concern of many is a tend...


Top 5 Dating Turnoffs

May 26, 2017

If there is one thing we can say about online dating, everyone’s got a dating story and everyone’s got a dating turnoff – usually...


Dating Insanity

April 30, 2017

One famous definition of insanity is ‘doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Nowhere do I see this m...


The Non-committal Man

March 27, 2017

This blog post can be considered an extension of last month’s topic, ‘excusing bad behavior” which focuses on the fact that women...


Excusing Bad Dating Behavior

February 20, 2017

A Jewish matchmaker gets real about excusing bad dating behavior… This month’s post is written with my female audience in mind. I...


Learn to Love Better

January 24, 2017

A Jewish matchmaker claims it’s not all about romance…it’s about learning to love better As a Jewish matchmaker who has been work...


Matters of the Heart

December 27, 2016

I’ve been working with singles for over a decade, and one thing that continues to surprise me is how capable, intelligent adults ...


Online Dating Scammer

November 22, 2016

A Jewish Matchmaker shares the warning signs of an online dating scammer… There may be no more emotionally vulnerable position th...


The Online Dating Dictionary

October 26, 2016

A Jewish Matchmaker spells out the newest dating terminology… Ever had a guy (or gal) from a dating site suddenly pull a disappea...


Relationships Require Effort

September 26, 2016

A Jewish Matchmaker Reveals the Cold, Hard Truth… As a matchmaker, I have a birds-eye view of singles and the dating scene – from...


Are You Ready for Long-distance Love?

August 24, 2016

A Jewish Matchmaker reveals the nitty-gritty of nurturing love from a distance… Many of my clients assure me that they are open t...


NPD or Asperger’s?

July 24, 2016

A Jewish matchmaker discusses the surprising similarities… I often write about the red flags and damaging behaviors exhibited by ...


Soulmate and Lifemate – are they the same?

June 16, 2016

A Jewish Matchmaker talks soulmates and lifemates and how to spot the difference… Many years ago, I attended a lecture given by a...


The Truth about Women and Bad Boys

May 17, 2016

A Jewish Matchmaker takes on the myth of the ‘bad’ boy.. Over the years, I’ve heard many men (both clients and personal friends) ...


The Matchmaker’s Dilemma

April 12, 2016

Successful Matchmaking Depends on You! As a matchmaker, I’m often stumped as to how to get clients to stop treating the matchmaki...


Why Did He Disappear?

March 15, 2016

A Jewish Matchmakers Guide to “Ghosting”… Have you ever gone out on a date where everything “clicked”? The two of you had lots to...


The Economics of Love

February 12, 2016

A Jewish Matchmaker’s perspective on too many choices… There’s a phenomenon in Behavioral Economics called choice overload or “ov...


Compromising Yourself

January 07, 2016

A Jewish Matchmaker draws the line between compromise and self-sacrifice… When it comes to relationships, the give-and-take of co...


Rebuilding Trust

December 10, 2015

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to Rebuilding Trust in Your Relationship Not everyone has the same approach to trust in a relationshi...


Best Face Forward

November 09, 2015

A Jewish Matchmaker Wants to Know, What’s Up with your Profile Picture? When online dating first came on the scene, it was consid...


Intimacy After 50

October 14, 2015

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to Embracing the Sexual Benefits of Aging… Let’s face it, aging can be ego-slamming. Maybe it started...


Keeping the Peace

September 11, 2015

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to discipline and the step-kids… One of the biggest considerations for divorced singles with children...


How to be Irresistible

August 05, 2015

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to Being the Best Partner in the World… Okay, I admit it, “Best Partner in the World”? Maybe we’re sh...


Diffusing a Love Bomb

July 07, 2015

A Jewish Matchmaker Distinguishes between Love and Love-bombing… Too often, I see singles who are swept away by early words of lo...


Dating Downtime

June 11, 2015

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to that Space “Between Relationships”… It’s written in Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) that “everything has an...


Afraid to Love

April 12, 2015

A Jewish Matchmaker asks, could fear be holding you back? I have spoken with thousands of singles over the decade-plus that I’ve ...


Fearlessly Forward

March 08, 2015

A Jewish Matchmakers Guide to Learning to Trust Yourself… As a matchmaker, I find that many of my clients are shell-shocked from ...


Stop Looking for Love?

February 08, 2015

A Jewish Matchmaker Busts the Myth…  I would like to know who coined the phrase “You’ll find love when you stop looking for it.” ...


Make Me Over

January 14, 2015

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to Profile Photos… The internet has taken dating to a whole new level and with the increased populari...



December 15, 2014

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to Getting the Most from your Matchmaker Everyone is their own unique blend of characteristics: wants...


10 Ways to Fall in Love with Yourself

November 13, 2014

A Jewish Matchmakers Guide to the love affair of all love affairs Are you ready for a real “happily ever after”? It may sound cor...


Crossing the Line

October 09, 2014

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to Healthy Boundaries One of the most important factors to a healthy self-esteem and a healthy relati...


The Dating Profile

September 18, 2014

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Rant on Expecting Too Much This month’s blog topic stems from my own personal pent-up frustration of years ...


Don’t Take it Personally

August 08, 2014

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to “letting it slide…” The righteous indignation of taking things personally; we’ve all experienced i...


The Lure of an Office Romance

July 19, 2014

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to Mixing Business with Pleasure There is something ultra-enticing about an office romance. Those lon...


Look Before You Leap

June 07, 2014

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to Online Dating Safety Specialized dating sites target singles by religious orientation to conscious...


Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

May 19, 2014

A Jewish Matchmakers Guide to Recognizing Toxic Behavior The saying “love is blind” is not without its truth, its benefit, and it...


Love Yourself First

April 16, 2014

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to the Perfect Love Affair Love yourself. What does that even mean? Does it mean to always put your n...


Do Opposites Attract?

March 11, 2014

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to Making it Work If opposites attract, then odds are an introvert and an extravert will be drawn to ...


Does Age Matter?

February 03, 2014

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to the May-December Romance May-December romances have always been a controversial topic and given to...


First Date Protocol

December 07, 2013

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Advice for Rockin’ a Great First Impression I’m often asked, “Is there a protocol for a first date?” Well, ...


“I Don’t Want Kids” – When Parenting Isn’t a Priority

November 20, 2013

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to Busting the “Selfish” Myth Most of us have grown up around certain societal expectations: graduate...


A Graceful Exit

October 11, 2013

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to Letting Go Break-ups are never easy. Even if you know it’s the right thing to do, there is still a...


Long-distance Relationships

September 16, 2013

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to Love and Long-distance Relationships As a Jewish matchmaker, one of the first questions I ask a po...


Is it Love or Lust?

August 16, 2013

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Answers the Question; Is it Love or Lust? The beginning of a new relationship can be so exciting and distra...


Is Your Mr. Right Actually Mr. Wrong?

July 08, 2013

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to Distinguishing Mr. Right from Mr. Wrong You think you’ve found the love of your life- the one you’...


Playing Hard to Get?

June 03, 2013

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Response to The Rules With the publication of The Rules, a relationship book for women, there has been a ri...


Dating after Divorce

May 12, 2013

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to Dating After Divorce As a Jewish matchmaker, I’m often approached by newly-divorced singles who ar...


Is Money a Taboo Subject?

April 08, 2013

A Jewish Matchmaker’s Guide to Money Talk  As a Jewish matchmaker I am often asked for advice from singles on the issue of how to...


How Much Should You Sacrifice for Him?

March 31, 2013

One of the greatest sources of frustration is how much we sacrifice for him, and how it can go completely unnoticed/unappreciated...



March 30, 2013

YOU are! That’s right! The biggest obstacle to success is YOU! Let me ask you:Are you still searching for your soulmate? Or…Are y...


Cheaters are Emotionally Dissatisfied

March 05, 2013

Are Cheaters Emotionally Dissatisfied? Many singles tell me that their last relationship ended because their partner cheated. Man...


Lessons on Dating and Relationships

March 04, 2013

Lessons on Dating and Relationships 1. If a man wants to be with you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn’t want you, nothing ...
